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Bid Description

RI Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation

Bid Number:RFP_Continuous Advice-Rec_January2022

RIHousing is aware of the “Municipal Advisor Rule” of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the exemption from the definition of “municipal advisor” for a person providing “advice” in response to a Request for Proposal. RIHousing intends this RFP to assist you in documenting your compliance with the exemption to the Rule in order to allow your entity to provide advice and recommendations to us. This RFP is being posted on RIHousing’s website, constituting a public dissemination of this RFP. RIHousing hereby notifies all interested and qualified investment banking firms, brokers, dealers, and financial services entities that it wishes them to provide advice and recommendations on ideas about the issuance of municipal securities and/or municipal financial products (as such terms are defined in the Rule). For more information, visit: www.rihousing.com/rfps-rfqs